These are things that I’ve made in an attempt improve. A digital sketchbook.
Cloth Simulations
Fun to make, honestly. The collisions on the cloth were the most difficult part, though fighting Blender’s outdated caching system was a close second.
Auto Paint Shader
Mostly made to work on understanding how materials work in Blender.
Planetside 2 Animation Work
I played a lot of Planetside, and using ripped assets, rigged and shaded a series of models. I intended to do a longer project with them, but vastly underestimated the time necessary. Here are various bits of the work I did.
The project itself
This video comprises the majority of shots and such that I actually made for the project. Following a hard drive crash and a harsh lesson in the importance of backups, this is pretty much all that remains.
MAXimum approval
The only thing that I really liked out of this whole endeavor, and it took thirty minutes, including render time.
Also from this rig:
And sorta stomping.
Messing with physics simulations
This method works for quick and dirty physics, but it’s very difficult to set up proper collisions. If you look closely, you can see that the debris flies right through the rest of the craft.
Baby steps into animating
These are painful for me to look at now. But hey, progress.
This Guy!
These are various animations and such that I’ve made with the model available here. I rigged it myself, which is trivial with Rigify.